If you are a homeowner, you are probably concerned with how much money you are paying in bills each month. These expenditures can really add up if you are not paying attention, so many homeowners are concerned with saving as much money as they can when possible. One of the ways that a homeowner can save money is by upgrading the appliances of the home, one of which being the water heater of their home. One of the best things a homeowner can do is upgrade their traditional water heater to a tankless water heater. High Point residents should know how homeowners can save money on their water bill by making this simple change.
Save on Electricity
Tankless water heaters are designed to only heat water when it is needed, while traditional water heaters have these big tanks that are constantly running to always have hot water on demand. Because water is not constantly being heated, a homeowner can save money on their electric bill by upgrading to a tankless water heater. High Point residents should be made aware that although tankless water heaters tend to cost more to be installed, a homeowner can end up saving much money over a longer period of time from using less electricity.
Save Money on Upgrades and Repairs
Because a tankless water heater is not constantly running, it is almost a given that a traditional water heater is going to need to be replaced first when compared to a tankless water heater. High Point residents should be made aware that in the rarest of cases, a traditional water heater can last around fifteen to twenty years depending on the many factors and usage, so a homeowner can expect at least that long with their tankless water heaters. Most of the costs of any water heater is the installation and initial purchase, so the longer that a homeowner can avoid upgrading their water heater, the better.
*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of 1st Choice Plumbing Inc*